Welcome to FreeClyde.com

Welcome to FreeClyde.com.  Joel Goldsmith passed away on  April 29th, 2012.  This website is to provide a long standing tribute to music composer Joel who will be missed by many, but his legacy will live on by means of his music.

We must also not forget Jerry Goldsmith, father of Joel, who passed away on July 21st, 2004.

FreeClyde.com was Joel’s official website, which has since expired at the end of March 2014. In order to preserve his memory, FreeClyde.com was acquired at an auction so that a tribute and memorial could be created.

This website is maintained and created by a fan of Joel’s. This website is not related or tied to Joel Goldsmith in any way.



Some of Joel’s works include(in no particular order)

  • Stargate SG-1
  • Stargate Universe
  • Stargate Atlantis
  • Witchblade
  • Helen of Troy
  • Stargate: The Ark of Truth
  • Stargate: Continuum
  • Star Trek: First Contact
  • Call of Duty 3(Video Game)

Source for above information Wikipedia

If you would like to see what FreeClyde.com looked like when Joel was still around, please view the below link on Archive.org

Freeclyde.com on Archive.org

The FreeClyde Forums are still alive.  Click here for the forums




16 thoughts on “Welcome to FreeClyde.com”

  1. Hi. Is there a way that I can get my hands on

    1) A copy of the SGU soundtrack
    2) The track that plays when the Asgard are met by the humans (sorry for the nerdy lingo, but I’ve been trying to get a hold on this track for a long time).

  2. I was just curious of the circumstances of his death. I am a fan of his and his father’s. Kull the Conquer, great score.

    1. From what I have been able to figure out, he had some form of cancer that perhaps caused some other health issues. Such good people always seem to be punished with medical issues, from what I’ve learned about Joel is that he was a very kind and good-hearted individual.

  3. Anybody know anything about the SGU soundtrack? I continue to hope for an official soundtrack release on what must have gone into some legal limbo at Mr. Goldsmith’s passing. Going on 3 years now…

    1. I’d really like to find out how to make his works become available again to the public. I would like to find a way to contact his family to find out about who is the copyright holder and if I can get a hold of his works to release to the public so that they may be heard. I’d suspect his family becomes the copyright holder of the music since his passing. It would really be great to keep the memory of Mr. Goldsmith alive.

      1. Most film music is considered “work for hire” and is therefore the property of the movie studio, not the composers estate like with concert music. This is the case for most of Jerry Goldsmith’s film compositions, which we have discovered since our orchestra has planned an entire evening of Jerry Goldsmith’s works. Instead of renting or purchasing music, as is the norm, we needed to individually license and source each individual movie cue that we wished to perform.

        A great starting source is the US Copyright Registry, which can be searched online to confirm if a work was “work for hire”. theMLC.com is a great resource for finding the owners of mechanical rights and who to contact to create and license recordings. Best of luck!

  4. To anyone who’s interested, we at http://www.buysoundtrax.com are helping to keep Joel’s musical legacy alive with several new releases of his music which have not previously been released before.

    Visit our site to find soundtracks on:
    – STARGATE SG-1 – Children of the Gods
    unreleased pilot score
    – The Joel Goldsmith Collection – Vol. 1: Home For Christmas, One Good Turn (Coming next month)
    – Helen Of Troy – Original Miniseries Soundtrack
    – The Untouchables – Original Television Soundtrack

  5. As a Joel Goldsmith fan, I’d be glad to volunteer to help with the maintenance of this site. For starters, we could add HTTPS security. And we can certainly add more material.

  6. The most amazing Stargate music I’ve ever heard (and Joel composed /arranged it) was the music toward the end of
    SG1 Season 6 Episode 20, “Memento” when they found a gate buried, unpacked it from the cover stones, and set it up to get home when they were stuck on another planet. The scene was excellent, too, it was a callback to raising the gate in the original movie. But I think it was never”released”, because I can’t find it anywhere. Someone did a screen recording and put it on YouTube, but it’s not quality sound and doesn’t do it justice. The music reminds me a lot of the movie Stargate Ark Of Truth and of the first episode of Atlantis. The arrangement is absolutely PERFECT for the scene, it brings tears to anyone who’s a Stargate fan. That music makes the scene my number 1 favorite out of every scene in the entire franchise. I would LOVE to have a copy to listen to, separate from the episode. Joel was AMAZING!

  7. Not having Joel’s SGU soundtrack available is almost a crime against humanity. It’s astonishingly poignant, edgy, haunting and futuristic (without sounding corny). The end title for Gauntlet is one of the best music tracks I have ever heard, regardless of genre. He deserved an Oscar for that alone.

    Come on, MGM, please put this out for sale. Let’s get this done…

  8. Hi,
    I wanted to know how I can obtain a copy of the song that was used in Witchblade episode 14 where Sara is in a church walking towards the altar and the song used in episode 20 where Sara and Danny is digging up Sara’s dad grave.

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